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Letters/Flyers/Funded childcare Information

SEND Information & Event Tuesday 21st January 2025

Late Collection Policy

If parent/carers are late collecting their child they will be fined the following:-

5-15 minutes late £5.00

15-30 minutes late £10.00

After 30 minutes £20.00


If your fine is not paid, the balance will be referred over to our collection agent Daniels & Silverman.  Even if you telephone to say you will be late, you will still be fined.


If your child if not collected by 6.00pm, a phone call will be made to the Duty Desk Team.

Flying Start September 2024 - To all parent/carers with children on the nursery waiting list



If your child is in receipt of 30 hours Funding, please make sure you confirm your eligibility before each of the following dates:-

31st December 

31st March 

31st August

Failure to do so will result in your child only accessing their 15 hours universal entitlement.

Play & Learn Sessions - Whipperley Hub on Whipperley Infant Academy site

Whipperley Children Centre - Parent Chat Sessions

Free advice & support if you are experiencing any type of hardship or financial difficulties

Staff/Committee/Sibling Discount

Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of any benefit please provide the Nursery with evidence for our records and for you to be able to access your Free School Meals. 

Please Note: This has to be up to date evidence.
