Dough Disco
'Dough Disco' is a fun activity which combines the use of playdough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to support children with improving their muscle control and fine motor skills. the movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye co-ordination and self-esteem. Overall, the aim of Dough Disco is to support children with hand writing skills. At Whipperley, we carry out Dough Disco is carried out a few times a week to warm up those important muscles in their hands, arms and shoulders. Each child is given out a ball of playdough when they sit in a circle with their peers and they follow the instructions given by the adult and also as the song is played. Children then use the playdough to roll, pinch, poke, pull, push, squeeze etc. using their hands. Dough Disco is also a really fun activity in which children have shown huge interest!